This page displays SpyCatcher's protective features and information about them. The protective features are:

  • Stop browser hijacking - Prevents applications from changing important Internet Explorer settings, for example, home page, search page, and blank page

  • Protect system settings - Prevents applications from changing vital system settings

  • Prevent keystroke logging - Prevents applications from monitoring your keystrokes

  • Block rootkit infections - Blocks applications from using system-level functions to install a rootkit

  • Block adware popups - Blocks programs other that Internet Explorer from opening popup windows

Here you can turn the features on or off.

  1. Select a feature.

  2. Choose ON or OFF from the drop-down list.

These settings protect parts of your computer from all applications. The description displayed explains the selected feature.

Note: If you choose ON for a setting, a green check mark is displayed. If you choose OFF, a red X is displayed. These settings are automatically saved.

  1. Click Apply.